The installation of this in the game is very simple. How can you use the Sims 4 Teen Pregnancy cc? As toddlers, you’d have to teach them small things, such as how to talk, walk, eat, sit, and so on.As they grow up, their needs would also change and you’d have to pay more attention to them.Pregnant sims can wear any outfit Things this mod will not do (yet). Female teens can get pregnant and give birth. They’ll scream in case they are hungry, need their diaper changed, or are just cranky for no reason. Features: - Teens can use most romantic interactions.The babies would cry whenever their needs bar runs low.Once your character has given birth, their routine life would change, which would affect the gameplay as well. If you want to check if your avatar’s pregnant, then you can do so by observing if they feel morning sickness as well as negative moods because of the changes in their body. With this TP mod, romance can be enabled for varying ages, except for children.Plus, you also get the feature that allows teens to impregnate adults/YA & vice-versa.Teens also get to marry adults/YA/elders & vice-versa.However, with the help of Sims 4 teen pregnancy mod, any user can opt for teen romance features such as:

The teen pregnancies in the game are not possible in general circumstances as it is considered forbidden and demeaning.